The life of MattnWin

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July from Lagoon

As our usual tradition we camped at Lagoon for the 4th of July. It was fun. We got their early Friday and met up with Grandma and Grandpa Cole and went to the beach. We all went to the river except for Grandpa who was designated chair watcher. He was fine sitting in the shade and sipping soda. We played in the river for a bit and then ate lunch. Grandma and Grandpa offered to take Christopher back for a nap so Matt and I played with Jeffrey and Matthew at the beach more. We then went to ride rides while we waited for Grandma and Grandpa, oh I mean Christopher to wake up.

When they got back we rode the Odysea together, that was a great ride. We tried to ride the Rattlesnake rapids but it closed as we were waiting in line. We ate dinner and rode a few more rides and then went to the camper to watch the fireworks. Mike, Cindi, dogs, Wesley, Grandma, Grandpa, and us were all their. The boys loved playing catch the football with Mike and Wesley.

The next day we rode more rides and Matthew was feeling good because he rode the Spider, Colosus, Wicked and the Mouse with Matt!!! He loved it and was so excited he wanted to ride them again but we had to go. I am so proud of my little guy.

I took history all through school but I really couldn't remember the reason we celebrated the 4th other than the fact we gained our independence. So I asked Matt and of course he knew and was aghast that I didn't. I knew but just needed a reminder. We first came here under British rule and then we decided we didn't like that anymore so we told them, Decleration of Independence, that we were through. Of course Matt made it more descriptive and beautiful. So thanks guys for givings us a place where we can do what we want, when we want and how we want!


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